There is nothing like seeing your child’s face light up on Christmas morning after the realization that Santa really came. Up the ante this year by going above and beyond to “prove” that Santa’s visit was real. Here are our tips for creating foolproof Santa “proof” that will make this Christmas one your child will never forget. Are you ready to create a little bit of magic and show proof that Santa is real?
Santa Footprints by the Fireplace or in the Snow
Do you happen to have a real fireplace in your home? If so, grab a big boot and stick it in the ash. Make a trail of sooty Santa footprints out of the fireplace. Yes, this is messy, but you’ll probably be vacuuming up after the Christmas morning chaos anyway. Flour would be a great alternative to actually using soot, as well.

If dirty footprints aren’t your thing or you don’t have a fireplace handy, try creating Santa footprints elsewhere.
- Glitter Footprints: Pour out some glitter on a piece of newspaper and stick a boot in it. Create glitter footprints here and there – wherever Santa would enter your house and around the tree.
- Santa Footprints in the snow: If you live in a snowy climate and have a good place for Santa and his reindeer to land, create proof in the snow. Stomp around in a big pair of boots and use a broomstick to draw two lines for the sleigh tracks in the snow. For reindeer footprints, get your dog to run around in that area or create your own with a wrapping paper tube with tape over the end. You can even bend the tube slightly to make an indent like the hoof of a reindeer. Toss some gold or silver glitter over the area where Santa’s sleigh landed to add to the magic of it all.
Prove Santa is real by making gifts stand out
This one may be obvious, but you definitely want to make sure that gifts from Santa (including those in the stockings) are wrapped in special wrapping paper that stands out from the rest of your gifts. Throw on elaborate, sparkly bows and extra-fancy gift tags. You can create the magic down to every last detail.
Milk & Cookies and Something Left Behind by Santa
If you aren’t already embracing the tradition of leaving out a plate of cookies (and carrots for the reindeer) along with a cold glass of milk for Santa, now is the time to start. This is the easiest way to get your child to engage with Santa and show that Santa was here. Just make sure that you actually eat the cookies and drink the milk!
Take this opportunity to the next level by leaving behind some extra proof that Santa was in the house. Maybe he left one of his black gloves by the plate of cookies or even his famous red hat! A big jingle bell from his sleigh would also make for a special surprise. No matter what it is, your child is sure to be in awe.
Reindeer Evidence as Proof of Santa
What kid doesn’t love Santa’s reindeer? If you don’t live in a snowy environment where you can make hoof prints as evidence of the reindeer’s’ presence, no worries! Consider leaving behind traces of reindeer food, or even an entire bottle or bag, outside your home. Just mix together oats and glitter for a magical reindeer concoction. And don’t forget the remnants of those carrots you put out with Santa’s cookies!
A Note from Santa Himself
If you want to go above-and-beyond on Christmas morning, leave behind a letter from Santa himself! Type it up on the computer or write it in your fanciest penmanship (or have a friend or family member write it for you). Consider folding it up and putting it in an envelope with some glitter or Christmasy confetti for an added magical touch. Or, leave a simple “Thank You” note from Santa next to the empty cookie plate.
Seeing is Believing: Catch Santa on Camera!
Have you ever heard of the website Well, if you want to show your kiddos the ultimate in Santa proof, show them a photo you snapped of Santa in your living room! Capture The Magic lets you upload a photo of any room in your house and choose from a variety of Santa figures in various poses to superimpose onto the image. Once you are done creating your image, it can instantly be saved and shown to your children.